eXTReMe Tracker
The Flatout Joint
Sunday Night Race League

Current Standings

1. We try to run a semi-honest race. Don’t bump people off just cause you can. If it happens it happens.
2. Screen shots will be taken after every race to track points. I will do my best to attempt to keep these points
correct but after running a league before sometimes disconnects get a bit hairy.
3. Points are based directly off what Flatout 2 gives you for each race. Whether we run derbys or races the
points all count.
4. Cars - Since there is such a vast amount of excellent cars between the two car packs we will run 12 races a
night, 6 will be same as host and 6 will be open.
5. Updates: After each Sunday night race I will update points and leader boards within 24 hours of the race.
6. Disconnects during a race: I will be giving an honorary 5 points to racers if they get disconnected during the
race (from before the count down till anytime up to the finish)
7. If we get more then 8 people interested in the league then I will need assistance on a second host. We may
get into having people alternate rooms.
8. TeamSpeak: For all you racers out there, a team speak channel will be setup for you to communicate with the
hosts and racers.
9. Team skins: I will be releasing a team skin pack with each player picking one car and one skin they would like
with their name on the side of it.
10. Start Date: The start date for the league will be December 1st, 2007 and will run for 4 weeks leading up to
the holidays. If this works and people are truly interested, I will run a new league after the new year.